YO, Okay
We are making MUGS! And going on a Northwest tour. We also have a show Friday 09/02 at Park Place. This will be a super special thing so make it out if you're in town.
flyer by Emily Jiang
We've mostly been working on new material lately.
Both Kent and I (Fil) did a 20 song challenge, which is where you write and record 20 songs in a single day. It might be impossible, but it's a really rewarding exercise that forces you to purge yourself of every musical idea you've been storing up.
I made it to 16, and Kent made it to 18, and 3 of those songs are already in rotation as PWB songs.
But the main news:
09/02 Reno, NV: Park Place w/ Local Girls and one more TBA. Kickoff house party.
09/13 Boise, ID: Neurolux w/ Up is the Down is the (Radio Boise night)
09/15 Missoula, MT: VFW w/ Mendelssohn side projects (part of their monthly residency)
09/16 Spokane, WA info TBA
09/17 Moscow, ID: One World Coffee
09/19 Bellingham, WA No date yet.
09/20 Seattle, WA No date yet.
09/21 Portland, OR: w/ Husky Boys info TBA
09/22 Eugene, OR No date yet.
If you have a friend/sibling/tinder match in these cities that might like us, text 'em!
We're working on a South West/California tour in October/November, so keep your eyes out for that.
I think that wraps it up!
In Current Rotation (Fil)