September 2018

Slept in the yellow aspens and the dishes froze.
Slept on a couch in some weird soft clothes.
Slept not much the night after my first night in the casino house band for a 3-day rockabilly gig, learning songs on drums as we played them live. Got a room on the 9th floor over looking reno and didn't sleep in it. Got a comp for seafood and Kent and I bought 1 lobster. Free fish. Fall is here, and even though the inside of this mega building is trying to put it off, I can smell it through the cigarette smoke. The angry dick man yells on Tv, he’s been yelling all week on the radio, on the news podcasts, on the big projector above the concierge desk.

We've been re-stocking/printing up some new shirts and crewnecks. The first shirt we made was designed by Nathaniel Benjamin, and we're just about sold out. So we decided to put the remaining shirts on sale for $5 each. get yours here:

If you missed it, our newest compilation is up online for FREE download. FREE!

Next Shows
October 27th: Reno, NV House on the Hill
November 9th: Reno, NV The Loving Cup

1 part scotch
1 part ranch dressing
The perfect "Scottish Ranchhand"