We walked to the studio in the rain, arriving wet. It's been a while since we've practiced together in the same room. So many things have changed in the last few months, including us and our routines.
We've been working on a whole new way of writing music -- Emily or I will create a demo on our own, and then the rest of the band will listen and write parts on their own, outside of practice. We're working on a new release that will be made in this way. Being soaking wet together in a room is an important part of it: it gets the energy flowing and shows the big picture. But we're finding that being alone in our own spaces and focussing on the details creates a new dynamic. I think this has been true for a lot of things during the pandemic -- a new relationship with self and group. All of the auto-pilot mechanisms no longer work, and we're forced to re-imagine our relationships to ourselves and each other.
With re-imagination comes growth. I think that's what a lot of this new EP will be about. Re-imagining the world we build for ourselves, re-imagining the way we navigate the world that is already built, and learning how to grow into it.
One final note: We'll be releasing a music video next week on Instagram. It's for "Be Obsessed" and was made by our good friend Rael Brian in Florípa, Brazil.
Excited to show y'all the new stuff.
In current rotation