
I have a 100 theme songs in my head.
They bounce around, bounce off each other, but mainly, they repeat.
They play, then they play again. Then they play again. Then the show happens until the theme comes and plays again. And then the show and then the theme and then the theme. The television is either mocking or celebrating my repetitive movements, and then in turn I do the same to it.


Maybe think about the engine of a freight train. Maybe think about the pistons somewhere deep in there pumping up and down, over and over again. The repetition makes it go. The repetition moves it.
But even if the pistons stop, the train keeps moving. Repetition builds momentum.
You repeat something enough, and it starts to repeat itself

I called up Union Pacific and asked the first person to answer the phone, "if an average freight train is cruising at full speed on flat, straight tracks, and they cut the engine, how far would it go before it stops?” And the guy on the phone replied — quote "i dunno, pretty far."



Break Master Cylinder press photo

Break Master Cylinder press photo


Roots Connective, Tutzi, and Beet Tape Coop by Yclept Insan
n e e dr e s t by Odyssee
A bunch of theme songs including BREAK MASTER CYLINDER
M-800 by Over Vert.