August 2020
We walked to the studio in the rain, arriving wet. It's been a while since we've practiced together in the same room. So many things have changed in the last few months, including us and our routines.
We've been working on a whole new way of writing music -- Emily or I will create a demo on our own, and then the rest of the band will listen and write parts on their own, outside of practice. We're working on a new release that will be made in this way. Being soaking wet together in a room is an important part of it: it gets the energy flowing and shows the big picture. But we're finding that being alone in our own spaces and focussing on the details creates a new dynamic. I think this has been true for a lot of things during the pandemic -- a new relationship with self and group. All of the auto-pilot mechanisms no longer work, and we're forced to re-imagine our relationships to ourselves and each other.
With re-imagination comes growth. I think that's what a lot of this new EP will be about. Re-imagining the world we build for ourselves, re-imagining the way we navigate the world that is already built, and learning how to grow into it.
One final note: We'll be releasing a music video next week on Instagram. It's for "Be Obsessed" and was made by our good friend Rael Brian in Florípa, Brazil.
Excited to show y'all the new stuff.
In current rotation
June 2020
The willows, aspen, tall grasses raise themselves above the meadows and tremble in the wind, what must feel like an eternal blossoming, high, splashed in hot sunlight.
The onions, wild flowers, corn lilies, sticker bushes grow in the shade of the groves, close to the ground, wet in most places and packed in by the foot of a bear. Big old pads with claw marks. The downed aspen has the markings of claws from when the aspen was standing.
I snuck up on one the other day. I was probably 5 yards from it, eating in a clearing. It saw me and hundreds of pounds covered in dark fur lumbered silently into the forest. I was quiet enough to sneak up on him, but I can't even walk as silently as that bear sprinted through the brush.
Our aspens are doing okay. The taller one had been struggling and snapped about a quarter way up. The small and medium ones are both staying the same size, with some white spots on their leaves. I worry that it is a disease, but I'll keep watering them and giving them sunlight. With the pandemic, it's an interesting time to be in a band. Shows are off for the foreseeable future which drastically changes the flow of making music. We've been experimenting with new ways of writing that are less about 3-piece live arrangement and more about recording arrangement, which is new for us. But I guess that's what this time is about -- reimagining how to do things. Without the momentum that normally carries us through familiar actions, it is possible to refocus, and change anything we want.
Before we go, Emily is teaching a 20 song challenge workshop through Holland Project on Wednesday:
And finally, a couple places to donate:
Stay cool,
People with Bodies
May 2020
“Field Notes” • the second full-length album from People with Bodies.
April 2020
Field Notes is coming May 7th 2020
Hah! In the mountains. ON the mountains. “And behind it all…everything a mountain can mean” as Ali Smith wrote in the novel Spring.
The mountain above my house is called Slide Mountain. It’s one of those rare magnificent peaks not named after some dude. It’s named after a thing it did. On the south eastern face, there is no south eastern face. It just slid down into the valley, into the field below. Mark Twain wrote a story about it, saying that he witnessed an argument and was asked to settle it. Since Rancher 1 owned the land that slid down on top of Rancher 2’s ranch, Rancher 1 said he owned everywhere his dirt now covered, including Rancher 2’s house. Twain didn’t know that a.) it was a joke until later and b.) that it was all a big joke, owning land at all. hah!
Erosion is a natural process, but it can be sped up. And one of the fastest ways is us humans. Before European contact and colonization of Wašiw and Paiute land, Lake Tahoe was surrounded by ancient forests. As the new-comers dug out the mountains in search of silver, they relocated those forests, in the form of lumber, into the mountains they’d hollowed out, to keep them from collapsing. Eventually the silver was gone, and all of the old-growth forests were gone, from the shore of the lake to Reno. Today, Lake Tahoe is a very popular tourist destination with many brochures about it.
People with Bodies second full length album is called Field Notes. (guitarist/songwriter) Emily Pratt sings in the fourth and fifth song of the album, “What’s that dead in America?….What’s that buried in America?….It’s my Corpse” followed by the song Ode To Mountains. “They were here before I was born. They’ll be here long after I’m gone.”
We recorded Field Notes in a cabin just south of Yosemite National Park. The park was closed because of the government shutdown and we were not allowed in. On new years eve, 2018, we recorded the guitar tracks in a small wood shed at the time owned by (drummer/songwriter) Fil Corbitt’s dad. A huge pine swayed above us, dead from beetle infestation. Effects of the California droughts. While we recorded “The Bardo” a huge crash echoed through the hollow. The neighbor’s barn had been crushed.
John Muir wrote of a storm in these same hills. When he was one of the first white people here, the trees didn’t snap much. He wanted to feel the storm so badly that he climbed to the very top of a pine tree and held on for dear life. Rain and wind whipping him around, the tree bucking and swaying like an unbroken horse, he felt what it was like to be in the top of a tree during a storm. The final song on the album is called Crow Brain. It’s written from the point of view of a crow in the top branch of a tree, collecting objects.
Field Notes is also a collection. Mostly made of little bits of phrases and drumbeats and interesting sounds like the zipper or steel drum or symphonizer you can hear (bassist/bartender) Mark Nesbitt play in the final track. From the pile, we’ve fashioned a sort of garbage shrine to the world we live in. If our last album Con Cuerpo was about having a body, this one is about having an environment for that body. The season changed six times while we made this record. It comes out May 7th, 2020.
As a band, People with Bodies tries to embrace the transitory. To let things evolve, manifest and pass. We’ve had 6 band plants that have travelled and recorded with us, most dying of exposure in the tour van - a constant reminder that everything is mortal and that we as people with bodies and cars often factor into that mortality, or bring it more swiftly. We try to embrace the shifts in genre — this album pretty different from the last, and from gender — Emily came out as trans and Fil as non-binary during the process of this record, and from instrument — each band member plays about a dozen instruments on this album…but an unbreakable thread of consistency is the world around us. After all, as author Mike Branch said on our first EP, “we are all just bodies in an environment.”
Back at the foot of slide mountain I am kneeling by the creek with a metal bottle. During quarantine we are growing a new band plant from seeds. They are Aspen trees. I figure this creek water works very well on the naturally occurring grove here so maybe the water has some Aspen-pleasing qualities. When I stand to walk back home the last bit of light is touching the top of the mountain and it’s bright purple and the sky is pink behind it.
March 2020
The first single from our new album streaming now. "The Bardo."
If you like it, add it to a playlist or share it. That really does help.
The silence is always different.
"(The Bardo) is transitional zone or transitional phase. For example we're in the bardo right now that takes place from birth to death..."
George Saunders said that in a radio interview about his 2017 novel Lincoln in the Bardo. It's a book that really spoke to me, named after a Tibetan concept that (from what I understand) breaks up existence into a string of constant transitions. The book takes place after Abraham Lincoln's real-life son dies, and is buried in a cemetery full of other ghosts who have not yet accepted their own death and moved through to the next phase.
What struck me was that the characters -- ghosts who had not come to terms with dying -- were constantly telling their life stories. They'd repeat the same details, and fixate on their own story and repeat it and repeat it, stuck in this brain loop that refused to release them into whatever came next. I imagined the chorus of people in my life, myself included, repeating our stories and life details and reasserting who we were and filling up every moment of silence with these pre-formed narratives, talking over each other and waiting for our turn to tell our own story. I mean, as a singer of a band, that's exactly what I'm expected do at every show.
When we play The Bardo live, there are 2 prolonged periods of silence. The silence is always different. We played it to a crowd in Boise where the entire restaurant was perfectly silent both times and we all listened to a motorcycle pass down on the street. We've played it in rooms where people get incredibly uncomfortable and won't stop clapping or yelling "woo!". Sometimes people assume that we're waiting for acknowledgment or adulation before breaking the silence. The last show we played was on the baseball diamond on the Wasiw reservation in Dresslerville, NV -- during the final silence the tribal police parked his hayride in front of first base and announced to the children through the police truck loud speaker "Ready....HERE WE GO!" before we started.
And that's been the excitement of this song for me. Instead of the three of us standing above the crowd repeating our own phrases and stories loudly on repeat AT them, we get to take a second and all say nothing together. We get to listen to the things we would have been otherwise drowning out.
As a band we're in one of those transitional zones now. But I think we're refraining from talking ourselves into a loop. We're letting things unfold, maintaining steady practice, and seeing where listening takes us. After 16 months of work, this new album will be out soon (likely late april/early may) and I believe that embracing the silence, and by extension the transitions, we are floating on into the next thing.
See you soon.
February 2020
Growing a tree from a seed is a difficult task, but not exactly for the reasons you’d expect. You buy the seeds on the internet, and there are bad reviews. They say nothing happened, nothing grew at all. But you plant a pinch of tiny seeds in a pot you found in the backyard and follow the youtube kid’s instructions. In 2 days there are tiny sprouts.
You never thought past that step. 13 little sprouts scattered across the soil surface, but the soil is too wet and the found pot doesn’t drain properly. Still, they keep growing. You put plastic over the top and let it sit in the sunniest spot in the house so that dew collects on the inside of the plastic and they keep growing.
There’s a little mold that develops on the surface. It’s white and stringy, and the internet says it’s the drainage problem. Should you move the tiny sprouts to a different pot? Do you have a different pot? Will they survive? Nobody knows. And that’s what’s difficult. Not knowing. But in the mean time you keep watering the little things and putting them in the sun and they keep growing, and that’s really all you can do. Just maintain the practice, and wait.
In Current Rotation:
January 2020
Productive winter.
We are still mixing the album. I took some intensive pro tools classes and, like the recording process, we’ve decided to take it on ourselves. It’s been a slow and arduous road but we’re certainly further along than when we started. We have rough mixes of the entire album, so hopefully we’ll have something done soon. A friend and artist in Porto Alegre, Brazil is working on the cover art.
TREEFORT! We’re playing treefort again. March 25th-29th. More details to come
David Dondero We’re hosting David Dondero at Park Place on February 15th. His new album is great.
Worst Show Ever We did an interview with our friend CJ Boyd about the worst show(s) we ever played.
My friend recently asked me “what are you up to next? Tour? ect?”
I said “We’re working on this record, mixing, blah blah blah.”
And she said “Oh you’re making a thing. Nice.”
Enjoy the weather.
In Current Rotation:
November 2019
I've spent a lot of time in the mountains the last couple of years. I have a rotating cast of spots that I like to revisit, but lately I've felt compelled to go off trail. To bush whack and follow game trails and attractive slopes.
Pushing through the manzanita I've so far found one entire structure stocked with booze, a shovel, aspen groves with carvings as old as 1926, a fountain of youth, and a dozen flat sunny spots that will be very nice to lay on when the snow disappears next year. It's funny, all of these places were within a short walk from the spots I knew, and yet they were hidden from me the whole time.
I wonder what else I'm missing.
We're working on our first single from the new album. It's been a long time but I think it's good, so hopefully worth the wait.
In current rotation:
October 2019
Hey everybody,
Fil here.
"I am a girl, trying on her shadow. I am a boy scooping up a snake. I am a man, yelling at the snake boy. I am a girl, sleeping in the shade." These are lyrics from a song called I am a Snake which will be on the next record. In some weird way it sums up something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.
I’m non-binary. I’ve been using the term for about a year — It’s something that I’ve known + experienced since I was a teenager, but never had the language to explain. Though I knew there were terms for people who landed outside the gender binary, and though I had friends who identified by some of these terms, I never felt like my form of gender expression fit into these established names, and never felt like I fit into the cultural box that gender non-conforming seemed to entail. But I’ve slowly accepted that my expression is in a grey area and constantly changing, and that there is no single way to be non-binary. I have gravitated toward this term specifically because it’s a non-description. Like atheist, non-partisan, non-guitar player…I have always liked the idea of being somewhere outside of the defined terms in a place where I can draw from a range of influences and follow a new path, even when that path is difficult or hard to define. I think this is also why both Emily and I gravitated toward the name and ethos of “people with bodies” - it’s one of the few basic truths of who we are as a band, and everything we build on top of that is up to us.
What this means in practice:
I don’t have preferred pronouns, and you should refer to me however is comfortable. For the unfamiliar, usually non-binary people use the pronouns “they/them" and as a general rule if you don't know, use those or ask. For me, I’m comfortable with whatever you'd like — I’ve got no requests of how you refer to me. Secondly, I have always occasionally dressed feminine on and off stage and will possibly do that slightly more. But in short, it ideally means very little to you, or you won’t notice. And if you do and if you have any questions (about me or your own self), feel free to ask. It’s something I’m happy to talk about and there are no bad questions. In the last year using this term, I’ve found that I can more fully understand and express myself exactly as I see fit. It’s not a gender marker that I’m moving toward, but instead a more accurate description of what I’ve always been.
I appreciate you all being here,
and we’ll keep you updated with more news. Still working on mixing this album and are kind of dying to share it with you.
In current rotation:
September 2019
A letter from Kent / Emily -
Hey all,
“I used to be a boy, and part of me always will be.”
Many of you have picked up on the ambiguity in that lyric, with regards to gender. I think I wanted to put that out into the world before fully coming out, because I have always been terrified of who I really am.
I have been told my whole life that I was born a boy, and that’s that. Some members of my family have taught me to bottle and hide my emotions, they’ve ridiculed trans people for their courage in simply living amongst them, and overall the message is clear. I am not a girl, I’m a boy.
I’m here to tell you that I am both.
What this means is that I use both male and female pronouns, and that I go by Kent and/or Emily.
I was named Kent, but only after I was born and assigned male at the hospital. In the womb, everyone thought I was going to be a girl and would be named Emily, after my great-grandmother.
Emily Pratt was an amazing person with striking parallels to my own life. She was a pianist who taught music for a living, and played the organ for silent films. She was a suffragette in New York before moving out west and learning to hunt, hike, and farm. She loved to travel and documented her adventures in beautiful photographs across the country on the train.
So that is my name: Emily Pratt (Pratt being my mother’s maiden name as well).
So: how do you address me? Well, I have started to present myself in ways that could be considered “femme” (makeup, dresses, a wig). On days like that, where I’ve made an effort to present myself in that way, I’d love it if you used female pronouns and called me Emily. But if you called me Emily on any other day, I’d like that too.
The bottom line is my feelings won’t be hurt if you call me him or her; Kent or Emily, in any particular context. But if you’re concerned about anything, feel free to message me directly and ask, or in person.
The term for what I am is “bigender,” but as it falls under the umbrella of “trans,” I prefer the term “trans.” Bigender is great, but the term trans has more of a spiritual and emotional connection to me - since I am in a transitional stage, transporting to a new sense of self, transforming, etc. For years, I’ve never felt comfortable using that term because it seemed like it didn’t belong to me, but in recent years the vocabulary and acceptance has really expanded to embrace me and allow me to feel good about coming out and being a part of the trans community.
If you have any questions, wanna reach out, etc, I just set up a new Instagram @emilypratt666. Feel free to DM me there or at @winter.kin or email at
Emily + Kent
in current rotation
August 2019
Hey y'all,
1. Kent's Honda CR-V did us well on the July Tour, though it had no AC and made sure we were as hot as it was. At the end of tour it got so hot that it had a sort of mental/physical breakdown and formed a big old steaming gash in the radiator. Luckily Mark, fueled by a 6 pack in the parkinglot of The Autozone in Medford, OR™, was able to expertly swap it out on the spot and we sailed on home away from the sunset.
2. Francesca Martinez of Bad Apple Vintage in midtown Reno made us some new stage clothes and boy are they sweaty now. She did a killer job.
3. The lack of AC has led Kent down a craigslist rabbit hole for the perfect, ice-cold vehicle for our next tour. I will keep you updated on the findings.
4. Though Reno has not yet reached 100 degrees F, it is still the hottest month in recorded history.
5. We've been slowly cooking a few projects. I have found that the best way to make feijoada is to always slow cook the ham hock for at least a full day, and we've been applying that method to our newest works. One of them is this PRY music video that we started in February. Half of it was recorded on a freezing morning just after sunrise in a light snowstorm. Watson subjected himself and hands to some harsh temps to swing red around the snowy desert, then subjected himself and bandmates to some harsh temps 5 months later in the attic apartment in the heat of summer, all windows closed while he baked a cherry pie. Boy it was sweaty up there. you can see the video HERE
Stay cool, both Kent and I will be in the British Isles for much of September and into October. See you at the end of baseball season.
In current rotation:
July 2019
Summer Tour 2019
Baker, NV - played by the highway, good food and people
Salt Lake City, UT - played on the floor, made a drum trophy, wore our new clothes
Boise, ID - Watching good friends play music, being welcomed by old friends
Moscow, ID - A good humble burger, feeling at home
Seattle, WA - Last show at Cone House, beautiful place, SeaCats were beautiful, touched the pacific
Portland, OR - great place, saw friends, laughed over pork
Last day, radiator blew. Replaced it in the parking lot of a chain auto store in Medford Or, Kept cool all night, home by 3am
June 2019
It’s summer and you know what that means! Roadtrip season!! #adventure
now, as you know we are making our next full length album, but in the mean time we have a GREAT DEAL for you. An 86 song EP.
We’ll be releasing all 86 tracks on JULY 4! They will be available on YouTube and also on CD for only 4.99!! Wow, great deals AND big savings
the EP is called: “The Staples in Roseville, CA” by People with Bodies.
follow us on Instagram for #bigsavings and a link to the EP when it’s out.
In other news,
summer tour:
july 20 tba
july 22 SLC, Utah @ beehive social club
july 23 Elko, NV @ Tba
july 24 Boise, ID @ Olympic
july 25 Moscow, ID @ Humble Burger
july 26 Seattle, WA @ house tba
july 27 Portland, OR @ Tba
more news and venue updates soon
May 2019
April 2019
So, we received a LOT of letters about our last newsletter, asking politely to give a better plant introduction. Since we unveiled Jackie Chan by lowering it from the ceiling on a pulley and ceremoniously marking the pot with new paint, we thought that was sufficient - BUT WE WERE MISTAKEN, because to our friends online, they did not see that caring introduction. They just saw us mention Jackie quickly and with out pomp. So here's the announcement:
NEW PLANT!!!! Named Jackie Chan after one of our favorite actors and directors, we hope that our new band member will help us learn to better combine skill, discipline and humor.
Next, we got 2 show write ups recently.
First was by Scott Draper in Boise, who has some very nice things to say. HERE
Second was for Tahoe up on the Stage. Tony's written about us a couple times now and always seems baffled, which personally tickles me greatly. he says "People With Bodies are odd, but good."
Finally, we're working on some new interpretations of the live set. I've been practicing accordion everyday (until I broke the strap bracket on wednesday, new one in the mail from italy) and Kent got a new Casio. We'll be experimenting with this and see what we come up with. It is within the People with Bodies constitution to continuously re-imagine what our performances can look and sound like, and I think this arrangement will be a nice addition to the family
That'll do it.
Take care of eachother.
In Current rotation:
March 2019
the windy season
This has been a productive month for the ol' body people. The snow pile I've been driving to every thursday is melting rapidly, the album is being mixed in Brazil, we released the live video from the Downtown Reno Library, I bought 2 bags of chips knowing that this pot of chili is about to be a 2-bag-of-chip-kinda pot, and we just got back from Treefort.
Treefort is always a special time of year for us, and I for one was not let down. Oruã totally blew me out of the water Sunday night, and FAVX, Clarke and the Himselves, and Y La Bamba were just a few of the really excellent sets we got to see. At our show on Friday we walked over to a lava lamp fireplace and all sang "Seer" with the violin, accordion and our good buddy Brian's harmonium. It was a really nice time.
OH, also we had the pleasure of playing with Man Man and Rebecca Black a week ago, and damn was it pleasant. Our set included a string quartet, a violent reading about a sentient doritos bag and the introduction of our new plant, Jackie Chan. Rebecca Black brought down the house, and Man Man took the house which had been brought down, and shook it around a bunch until the whole house seemed all full of adrenaline and wonder. Honus Honus at one point emerged from the back with a fur coat and a plastic skeleton, which he then got to crowd surf around the room while singing “Feel Free to Loot My Body!” It was a truly enjoyable experience all around. Excited to hear their new record.
And finally, this is a good time to mention we are working on an EP in addition to the full length album. The EP will be 86 songs, and we're currently devising a digital release.
More info on that later.
In short, we are making progress on all fronts.
See you soon!
In current rotation:
February 2019
I apologize for the late blog post this month. But I promise it was for good cause.
We wanted to wait until we had something to share with you.
AND it’s a new video.
It was recorded live at the Downtown Reno Library in february.
It features 3 songs from the new album, and I can't stress enough how grateful and excited we are to have the talented friends who really showed up and made this possible.
If you have any questions about the video and how we made it, always feel free to reach out. Happy to share nerdy details.
Second, we're playing with one of our favorite bands Man Man, on March 17th at Holland Reno. And we've just learned we'll be joined by Rebecca Black. (!!!)
We'll be pulling out most of the stops for this one, so I hope you can join us.
And Finally, our slot at Treefort is Friday March 22nd: 8pm at the Boise All Ages Music Project stage. Come say hi.
That's a lot this month, hope you enjoy the video and REMEMBER TO LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE if you want to.
Spell for Not Being Eaten:
O cobra, I am the flame that shines upon the brow of millions, the standard of fresh plants upon it. Be far from me.
January 2019
First of all, Reno folks we are playing Thursday January 31st at KWNK (1717 s Wells ave) with one of our friends and favorites David Dondero. AND Buffalo Moses will be joining us, so it'll be a very nice night. 7pm, $5 for Dave.
We recorded the album. The guitar we tracked in a tool shed on a flat by the creek, at the base of a gigantic dead Ponderosa pine. Bark beetles have devastated the ponderosas in the area, and when the wind picks up in the foothill valley south of Yosemite the giants fall, onto houses, into the road, just across the forest and take down other trees and dam creeks and crush everything that's been far below them for decades.
On New Years Eve we were tracking electric guitar in the shed, playing the 6-string through an amp up on a stump when the wind picked up. We started to hear the cracking through the microphones and the booms around the neighborhood. But we were on a roll, so we kept rolling.
Kent played several takes as limbs and full trees split and crushed garages and barns around the neighborhood.
We finished the guitar and ran inside, taking refuge with a glass of scotch by the wood stove with Ronan. Kent and I sat at the dining table and wrote our band's Will.
If Kent & Fil are to perish on this eve or before the album is finished, we hereby will the following:
This is all assuming that Mark Robert Nesbitt, too, has perished from this earth.
The Band (People w Bodies) will be given to the following beneficiaries:
"What's left of our bodies can be used artistically according to the above persons taste. The album named [REDACTED] can also be manipulated by said persons however, using what has been recorded or recording the songs with new personnel or lines or...whatever man just put the album out somehow.
"Also, post album, the band is to live on with the bodies of new people and those people (above listed beneficiaries) are the new rightful owners of the band + all its assets. They also hold claim to the band's sprawling streaming fortune (39.35 USD) as to be collected from our online streaming distributor, Distrokid™.
"My (fil) drumset is to be burnt, but the cymbals are up for grabs."
More updates on the record and shows soon
December 2018
We're playing Treefort Music Fest in Boise this year! They have one more artist announcement, so I'll wait to post the line up until then. In the mean time, visit:
We leave Christmas night to track a new album in a cabin and garage just outside of Yosemite.
We've been working on it for about a month, making demos, writing parts, taking notes and asking engineer friends for advice. Very excited to work on this, and then to share that work with y'all. I am excited about the songs on this one, and I think it will be a good addition to the family. More info soon, and if you'd like to participate somehow reach out.
The night before solstice, we decided to leave the lights off all night, to let the dark in to the house. There are a lot of bedrooms in the world where it's never dark. Sometimes it's from LED lights inside the room, sometimes it's street lights from outside, sometimes you just live in a bright place and there isn't darkness anymore. No matter where you are, there used to be darkness there, but lightbulbs have really changed the game. They're everywhere.
I think it's important to let the night settle in, and to exist inside of it. I played banjo in the dark, and then listened to records. I think we shun our sense of sound in general, and maybe the ability to see at all times contributes to that.
Leave the lights off one of these nights, I really enjoyed it.
1 2/3 cup Irish Whiskey
1 cup heavy cream
14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoon chocolate syrup
2 tablespoon cold coffee
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Blend for 20 seconds or so.
Once blended, sip it by a fire and let it get in your mustache.
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